Saturday, May 5, 2018

Pithy Title Goes Here

I used to blog. Way back when no one called it "blogging" and dinosaurs roamed the earth. I blogged and then I didn't. Now, I guess I'm blogging again.

I missed the "big" money boat on monetizing a cute niche blog. I don't really fit into any real niches anyway. Unless there is a niche for an infertile, PCA to spouse with MD, seizure due to AVM-having, dog rescue-loving, 50-year-old-nanny. Still, I have the urge to write and even if I don't really have an audience, I will write. I will write for the children I never had and share all the stuff I saved up inside. At least the internet can roll its collective eyes at me.
I don't know how other people do it but I remember things from my youth and school-aged days by remembering the house we lived in at the time. For instance, I remember being very little and living in an apartment in a St. Paul suburb. My brother and I shared a bedroom. My mom would put us down for a nap (or quiet time) and the next thing I remember is hearing the opening music for the daytime soap Days of Our Lives. I also remembering flushing one of my mom's large rollers down our toilet. I don't know why I did it but I do know my mom and our landlord were not happy with me. I remember seeing the water back up and feeling scared. I remember feeling my mom's disappointment and anger. I was probably 3 years old. That day I learned the toilet is NOT a toy and nothing but poo and potty should be flushed. I also learned (much later) that the theme song of a soap opera you don't actually watch will stay with you your entire life.
When I was your age, TVs were super heavy because they were furniture. We called them console TVs. By the time I was your age most of them had color pictures but some were still in black and white. They took a while to warm up once turned on and there were only about 5 channels to watch. We had to manually turn the channel. They looked pretty much like this: